Buckeye’s commitment to sustainability encompasses products, packaging, technology and entire maintenance programs. In its hard surface cleaners, Buckeye has proactively eliminated ingredients like butyl, solvents, and alcohol bases. For some products, Buckeye has gone even further. For facilities looking to minimize their impact on the environment, Buckeye offers many Green Seal certified products.
Green Seal develops Environmental Leadership Standards to help manufacturers, purchasers, and consumers make environmentally responsible decisions. Their mission: To transform the economy for a healthier, greener world.
Several products from the Symmetry® Hand Hygiene Program, Buckeye Hard Floor Care Program, and Eco® Proportioning Program are Green Seal certified. They include hand hygiene products, floor finishes, and various cleaners. Click here to see a complete list of Buckeye’s Green Seal certified products.
Each product conforms to the strict standards set by Green Seal, meeting the requirements based on effective performance and protective limits on VOCs and human and environmental toxicity. Most of the Eco product line meets additional standards for minimized/recycled packaging.
Buckeye’s commitment to sustainability does not compromise product performance. To achieve Green Seal certification, products must meet rigid performance requirements, the same performance standards met by non-green products. Buckeye’s Green Seal certified products not only outperform other green products, they also outperform non-green, conventional chemistries.
Contact your local Buckeye representative to find out more about Buckeye’s products, programs, and commitment to sustainability.