International Infection Prevention Week 2024

International Infection Prevention Week 2024

It’s time again to celebrate and raise awareness for International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW). Established in 1986, IIPW highlights the critical role infection preventionists play in improving patient safety. This year’s theme, “Moving the Needle on Infection Prevention”, emphasizes the progress made across healthcare in reducing the spread of infections.

The Role of Hand Hygiene

One of the most essential aspects of infection prevention is maintaining proper hand hygiene. Regular handwashing or using hand sanitizer can dramatically reduce the transmission of infections within healthcare facilities. According to the World Health Organization, hand hygiene improvement programs can prevent up to 50% of avoidable infections during healthcare delivery.

Lower HAIs

Infection preventionists work tirelessly to combat infections and diseases, especially with ongoing outbreaks and viruses affecting our daily lives. One of the best ways to reduce healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is by improving hand hygiene awareness—whether through better access to sanitizer and soap or increasing public awareness in shared spaces.

Acceptance = Compliance = Lower HAIs

Symmetry® Hand Hygiene Program

Symmetry’s® comprehensive approach supports healthcare professionals by providing high-quality, gentle hand hygiene products, along with tools like the Symmetry Behavior Modification System and Point of Care items. These resources help reinforce hand hygiene practices at critical moments throughout the day.

Point of Care Tools

Symmetry’s Point of Care tools help hospitals reach their infection prevention goals, including those outlined in APIC’s Patient Hand Hygiene Toolkit. This toolkit compiles data from several studies, concluding that a lack of patient hand hygiene contributes to room contamination and the spread of infection.

With Symmetry, healthcare facilities can increase patient awareness and provide greater access to hand hygiene  tools such as tray tables, bedside dispensers, and other easily accessible stations. This creates more opportunities for patients to clean their hands throughout the hospital, ultimately helping reduce infection rates.

Thank you to all infection preventionists for the invaluable work you do in safeguarding the health of patients, staff, and communities. Infection prevention is an ongoing commitment, and every effort helps to move the needle towards safer care for everyone.

For more information about how Symmetry can help prevent infections in your facility, contact your local Buckeye representative.

Help Reduce the Spread of Germs with Symmetry

Help Reduce the Spread of Germs with Symmetry

“Many HAIs (healthcare-associated infections) are transmitted by healthcare personnel, and hand hygiene is a primary means to reduce these infections.” – Health Research & Education Trust, affiliate of the American Hospital Association

Hand hygiene noncompliance is a major contributor to the spread of HAIs. It’s also one of the easiest practices to improve. Symmetry’s goal is to provide products that healthcare workers want to use. With reliable dispensers and better products, healthcare workers are more likely to follow hand hygiene compliance policies.

Symmetry products are less likely to contribute to dry hands or leave sticky residue behind. Through clinical evaluation, Symmetry consistently proves to be the preferred choice of healthcare workers. Because Symmetry provides products that healthcare workers prefer, workers are more likely to clean their hands and help reduce the spread of germs.

To keep hand hygiene on the minds of staff, visitors, and patients, Symmetry offers the Symmetry Behavior Modification System (SBMS). SBMS utilizes behavioral science to drive hand hygiene compliance. With unique tools based on the six key tenets of benevolence, accountability, responsibility, variation, emotion, and direction, SBMS inspires immediate hand hygiene practices.

Symmetry also uses point of care tools to focus on the five moments for hand hygiene. The five moments for hand hygiene approach defines key moments when healthcare workers should perform hand hygiene. Symmetry’s point of care tools include suction cups, lanyards, and cart brackets to give healthcare workers easy access to hand hygiene opportunities while working directly with patients. 

The tools of the Symmetry® Hand Hygiene Program make it easier for healthcare workers to access Symmetry products. They keep hand hygiene on the minds of people throughout healthcare facilities and help convey the importance of hand hygiene. Contact your local Buckeye representative for more information on how Symmetry can help healthcare facilities fight HAIs.

Conquering Dry Skin and Winter Hands

Conquering Dry Skin and Winter Hands

Dry skin is an unfortunate side-effect of the winter months. Once the heat is turned on indoors, your skin begins to dry out. For healthcare facilities, this issue is only magnified. Frequent handwashing and hand sanitizing can cause the skin on healthcare workers’ hands to dry out regardless of the season. During the winter months when skin is prone to flaking, finding a solution for those workers who frequently wash their hands is important.

The Symmetry® Hand Hygiene Program provides products that are gentle on healthcare workers’ skin without compromising performance. They reduce common disease-causing bacteria with comprehensive product testing data. When Symmetry products are tested against competitive hand hygiene products in a Symmetry Challenge, respondents overwhelmingly prefer Symmetry.

Symmetry hand hygiene products include hand washes and hand sanitizers. Choose between scented and unscented options or select one of Symmetry’s Green Seal certified hand hygiene products. Because Symmetry is focused on the comfort of its users, Symmetry also provides Moisturizing Hand Lotion to moisturize, condition, and alleviate dry hands.

Beyond hand hygiene products, washing hands with warm water instead of hot water can also help protect the skin from dryness. Both the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) advocate using warm water instead of hot water in their hand hygiene guidelines to protect skin. WHO also recommends patting hands drying rather than rubbing to help prevent cracking.

No matter the season, hand hygiene is important in healthcare facilities and beyond. For schools, retail facilities and more, looking for gentle hand hygiene products, contact your local Buckeye representative.

Symmetry Moisturizing Hand Lotion

Symmetry Moisturizing Hand Lotion

Symmetry® Moisturizing Hand Lotion gently moisturizes and conditions to alleviate dry hands. It has been tested by dermatologists and is compatible with latex, vinyl, nitrile, and CHG. It is fragrance-free, dye-free, and contains Aloe and vitamin E.

Symmetry Moisturizing Hand LotionLike all Symmetry products, Symmetry Moisturizing Hand Lotion is dispensed from a no-drip system. Its packaging is hermetically sealed and contaminate free, guaranteeing 99% product evacuation. This means money won’t be wasted on product left in discarded containers.

The Symmetry Hand Hygiene Program includes a complete line of hand hygiene products including lotions, hand sanitizers, and hand washes. Symmetry products reduce the spread of germs and their packaging is BPA (bisphenol A) free.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) state that hand hygiene is one of the most important steps in reducing the spread of germs. Symmetry manufactures products that people want to use to encourage hand hygiene acceptance in your facility. The Symmetry Hand Hygiene Program comes complete with the Symmetry Behavior Modification System, a system that uses unique placards and signs with messages to inspire and maximize hand hygiene practices. Symmetry’s placards, signs, and dispensers can be customized with your color, logo, and message.

Contact your local Buckeye representative to test and evaluate Symmetry products in your facility.