This week is International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW). The goal of IIPW is to raise awareness of the role infection prevention plays in improving patient safety.
The theme for this year’s IIPW is Protecting Patients Everywhere. With a theme this broad, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control (APIC) is promoting topics ranging from the use of antibiotics to proper hand hygiene. Protecting Patients Everywhere is about protecting patients and others through the continuum of care.
The Symmetry® Hand Hygiene Program can help you improve infection prevention in your facility. Following proper hand hygiene steps is one of the best ways to help improve patient well-being. Symmetry has all of the hand hygiene tools you’ll need to improve hand hygiene practices in your facility.
Symmetry products reduce common disease-causing bacteria, making them a reliable choice for facilities looking to stop the spread of disease. More than that, Symmetry products are gentle on your hands.
However, having the proper products available in your facility isn’t enough. This is why the Symmetry Hand Hygiene Program comes with tools to help motivate people to keep their hands clean. Its education and awareness tools include things like posters and wall charts, designed to explain the “How” and “Why” of proper hand hygiene. Symmetry also utilizes behavioral science to create unique placards and signs with messages designed to inspire and maximize hand hygiene practices.
For IIPW, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is focusing on infection prevention throughout the continuum of care. Symmetry provides Point of Care tools for healthcare facility workers to use throughout care for a patient. Suction cups, brackets, and lanyards make it possible to access hand sanitizer while workers are in contact with patients and are at the highest risk of spreading germs.
The Symmetry Hand Hygiene Program is just one of many ways your facility can work to reduce the spread of germs. International Infection Prevention Week happens every third week of October, but infection prevention is a year-round job. Check out all of the tools APIC provides to keep you informed about infection prevention on their website.