Buckeye Floor Cleaners: Cleaning Floor Grout

Buckeye Floor Cleaners: Cleaning Floor Grout

Cleaning floor grout can be a challenging task. The first thing to remember is that cement-based grout, like a concrete floor, may not be uniform. After grout has been thoroughly cleaned, there may still be some darker spots next to lighter areas due to factors of installation. This is not something that can be changed with different methods of cleaning. When there are soils that need to be removed from grout, first wet the floor with a degreasing or general purpose cleaning solution. Next, let the solution sit for several minutes, and scrub the floor with a brush that can reach down into the grout. Then pick up the solution with a wet vacuum or mop, apply rinse water and scrub, and then pick up the rinse water.

Buckeye offers effective degreasers and general purpose cleaners that can be used for this purpose including Buckeye Maurader® and Eco® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner E15. Both of these products contain hydrogen peroxide and have excellent detergency for wetting the surface and suspending soil. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with some soils to make them more soluble in water which can physically loosen soils. If your facility has grout that won’t come clean after using a good cleaning solution there may be a discolored coating covering it. You can remove it with a Buckeye floor stripper, and follow up with a Buckeye water-based cleaner to scrub the floor.

Another option you can try is to used an acid-based cleaner such as Buckeye Eco Acid Cleaner E16 and Buckeye Gel Scrub Tub and Tile Cleaner. These products go after soils that are sensitive to acid chemistry and based on phosphoric acid. This allows them to attack the grout itself and loosen soils that can then be flushed loose from the floor. But do be careful to seal after the use of acid chemistry, since the use of acids is not meant to be a regular cleaning process. If you are unsure which solution is best use to clean your cement-based grout, try a small-scale test. This can reveal the winning solution without too much unnecessary work.

Gloss Retention

Gloss Retention

Gloss retention troubles on hard floors are a common issue in many facilities. Floor equipment can easily help gloss retention, but can have the opposite effect when used incorrectly. Several brands of auto-scrubbers and burnishers have operator adjustable pad pressure. It’s easy to grind off your finish by dialing up too much pad pressure. Walking slowly generates more friction for the floor than moving faster. For machines that have pre-set pad pressure, we recommend using a softer pad when floor finish is young and not yet cured. When the floor finish hardens daily cleaning with moderate pads won’t necessarily dull a floor finish.

If you plan on applying a fresh coat of floor finish, you want to see the floor fairly dulled by the auto-scrubber before applying finish. Move slowly, use aggressive pads, and apply more pad pressure. If you’re not planning to apply a fresh coat of floor finish, you don’t want the auto-scrubber to dull the floor. Move more quickly, use softer pads, and apply less pad pressure.

Be sure that no equipment is dragging on the floor such as metal, which can abrade the floor finish. A clogged vacuum motor that leaves dirty water on the floor can even hurt a floor’s finish. Try having designated auto-scrubbers for the “problem” floors. You can also damage floor finish by using dirty, used floor pads. Change floor pads as needed. Make sure your floor equipment helps your floor program be as efficient as possible, leaving your floors with high gloss retention.

For further help with floor finishes or to find a new floor finish program, contact Buckeye International today!

Why Care About Floor Care?

Why Care About Floor Care?

What types of flooring do you have in your facility? Whether your facility has hardwood, concrete, laminate, tile, or any other type of flooring, it is crucial to value floor care. There are many benefits to following an effective floor care program at your facility: improved appearance, durability to hold up to heavy traffic, safety, the list goes on. Your floor care needs are specific to you because no floors are exactly alike.

Floor care doesn’t stop at having a good cleaner. You need a program that also includes floor finish and floor stripper – you will extend the life of your floors and people will notice. Buckeye International has developed cleaning/maintenance products that make caring about floor care easier. Any flooring is in investment that should be taken care of for years to come. No matter what your floor care needs are, Buckeye will customize the most successful and efficient program for you.

Click here to learn more about the Buckeye Hard Floor Care Program.