90% of a floor maintenance budget is spent on labor. Therefore, the best way to maintain your floors is by implementing an effective hard floor care program using superior products that require less labor.
Buckeye’s Hard Floor Care Program is complete with products targeted towards routine, interim, and restorative maintenance procedures for your facility’s hard floor. Buckeye’s floor finishes are non-powdering, non-yellowing, and have superior gloss. They can extend your strip cycle and the life of your floors. Our floor strippers are butyl-free and formulated with patented Liquescent® technology. They remove floor finish in one application without harsh odor. For daily maintenance, Buckeye floor cleaners are effective, efficient, and do not attack floor finish.
Tailor Buckeye’s Hard Floor Care Program to your facility with products and training designed to fit your needs. No matter what floor type, equipment, or maintenance needs you have, Buckeye will help you customize the most successful floor care program for your facility.
Schools and universities can take advantage of the Buckeye Honors Custodial Training Program. The Honors website features the complete program and includes training videos and tests, manuals, PowerPoint presentations, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), product literature, and wall charts. Contact your local Buckeye representative for more information.